Monday, November 17, 2008

Long Days Journey into wherever

I'm no Eugene O'Neill but I know the journey. Will Obama save me? Seems just in time for the election my life is unraveling, so to blog I go. I've decided I need to wean myself off of mind mushing TV (I get my fix from Netflix) so this is like my 12 step program, only there's no steps. But it's not cold turkey either because I am just blogging, it's not like I'm going outside. I figure if I start thinking and writing there may be some hope of normal functioning down the line, probably way down.

Ideally I would want to slip into books like Gumby did. Now we have virtual reality, requiring no imagination at all and an inclination toward ADHD. I wonder if when the youth of today grow up there will be a dearth of creativity and we'll have computers writing sitcoms. Personally, I make sure my daughter flexes her mind and limits her TV and online time. Not so her friends, they are remarkably clueless, which I think is a result if that Wii dance thing.

Do I sound old and cranky? Guess my age and you WIN!!!